Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to do if my child is not well enough to attend school?
The school office is open from 8am each morning and an answer machine is available to leave a message before this. All absences should be reported by 9am. If your child is not marked in the register as present, the school office will contact you to find out the reason for absence.
What happens if my child becomes ill during the school day?
Occasionally children become ill during the school day and if this should happen a member of staff will contact you to arrange for you to come and collect your child. It is important that we have up to date contact information so please make sure telephone numbers are kept up to date.
Can I take my child out of school for a holiday?
No. The law states that parents do not have the right to take children out of school in term time for a family holiday. Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Penalty notices will be issued to parents who take their child out of school for holidays. These are now £60 per parent, per child, so a family of 4 would be fined £240 which must now be paid within 21 days. Please do not book holidays during term time.
How do I know if school is closed due to snow?
If it snows and a decision is made to close the school, you will receive a text on the morning of the closure. Please ensure that school has an up to date mobile number for you. You can also check the school website and register with Sheffield City Council alerts system:
If you do not receive a text, school is OPEN.
How much do school meals cost?
They are £10 per week, unless you are eligible for Free School Meals. Please pay for school meals in advance via sQuid.
How can I apply for Free School Meals?
There are three ways to apply:
- 0114 2734567 option 4, then option 3
- collect a form from the school office, complete and return it to Sheffield City Council.
If you need any help, please ask at the school office.
How do I find out what meals are available at lunchtime for my child?
The meal menus are on the school website:
Can you cater for my child’s dietary needs?
If your child has special dietary needs these can be registered with our caterers – Mellors. A Special Diets Form can be downloaded from the school website.
Can my child get milk and fruit in school?
Milk and fruit is available in Key Stage 1. The fruit is free, while milk costs 16p per day, unless the child is under 5 years old or they are eligible for free school meals. Milk money is payable termly in advance.
How do I pay for dinner money and school visits?
Any money which needs to be paid to school must be done using the online system of sQuid. Please ask at the school office if you need support with using this. We cannot accept any cash in the school office.
Why am I asked to pay for school visits?
School visits support your child’s learning in class and as such are an important part of their education. School subsidises every visit but unfortunately we cannot afford to pay the entire cost for each child. We ask for a contribution from parents towards the cost of the coach. Please ask at the office if you need help in paying for educational visits.
What do I do if I want my child to have individual music lessons in school?
Children can have individual and small group music lessons at school. We arrange with Sheffield Music Hub for specialist teachers to come to school for your child. Please ask at Main Reception for application forms, or go directly to Sheffield Music Hub. These lessons are not paid for by the school and are charged to you termly. Their website, which includes an online application form, is
How do I register my child for After School Clubs?
Details of the clubs for each half term are e-mailed to parents. Paper copies of the letters can then be collected from the School Office if required. A signed permission slip, or confirmation e-mail is required along with payment in full if applicable, before the first session. If clubs are oversubscribed, then we try to spread the choices around so that as many children as possible can have a go at something. If children do not take part in a club they have been allocated, then we will give the place to another child on the waiting list.
Where do I collect my child from after an After School Club?
Clubs normally run from 15:20 to 16:20, unless we let you know otherwise. Please collect your child at 16:20 from Main Reception. Please make sure you let us know if you would like your child to walk home after a club or if anyone else is picking them up. Please make sure you are on time to collect children after clubs as staff often have other meetings or commitments.
Does school organise swimming lessons?
Years 3 and 4 go swimming in the Spring and Summer Terms. Girls need a swimsuit and boys need trunks (not long shorts). Everybody needs a towel. Swimming is a compulsory part of the National Curriculum for PE.
What do I do if my child cannot do PE for medical reasons?
A parent or carer needs to give a note to your child's teacher explaining what the circumstances are.
What should I do if my contact details change?
Please inform the school office by letter or e-mail of any changes to your details. It is important that we have up to date contact details at all times.
Can my child wear jewellery?
For safety reasons we only allow children to wear small stud earrings. These must be removed when doing PE or swimming. If you are going to have your child's ears pierced, then we recommend that you do this at the start of the summer break so that they are fully healed when your child restarts school. Children may wear a watch. No other type of jewellery is allowed.
What do I do if I cannot collect my child after school as normal due to an emergency?
Please contact school as soon as possible. If the emergency arrangements involve an adult who is not someone who you have told us is permitted to collect your child, staff will not allow your child to go with that adult if they just arrive at the door without school having been contacted. All changes in how your child is collected must go through the Main Office not the class teacher.
Can my child have dyed hair?
Children at school cannot have dyed hair, nor can they have temporary 'tattoos'. We would insist on them being removed. Please keep children’s hairstyles smart and appropriate for school. Elaborate shaved designs are best kept for the summer holidays.
Can my child have a mobile phone in school?
Mobile phones are not allowed in school. If you feel that your child needs a mobile phone for their safety, please ask at the school office for a copy of the school mobile phone policy.
What do I do if my child needs medicine during school hours?
School does not administer medicines to children unless they have a long term medical need. If your child needs medication, please try to arrange the doses around the school day, for example, morning, after school and bedtime. If a lunchtime dose is unavoidable, then parents (or an adult nominated by the parents) are welcome to to come up to school between 12 and 1pm to administer the medicine.
Where do I collect my child from after school?
FS2 and KS1 children are normally collected from their classroom door and KS2 children from the school playground. However, if you are late picking them up, then please collect them from Main Reception.
What do I do if I think that my child is being bullied?
We take bullying very seriously and have very robust procedures for dealing with it. However, if you do have concerns please discuss this with your child’s teacher in the first instance.
How do I change school during the school year?
Sheffield City Council Primary Admissions will be able to help you with this: explain this.
Where can I buy school uniform for my child?
Our School Uniform suppliers are:
- Logo Leisurewear
Where can I park around school?
There is no parking in the school ground for dropping off or collecting children with the exception of children with a disabled badge. We do however have an arrangement with the Community Centre which allows parents to park here to drop off or collect children. The gate between the park and the school is open at the beginning and the end of the school day. Please park considerately if you are using the Community Centre car park. There is very limited parking on the roads around the school.