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Norfolk Hill, Grenoside, S35 8QB

0114 2467380







Grenoside Primary


At Grenoside Community Primary School,  we try to use computers and new technologies as much as possible to enhance our curriculum and help children learn key knowledge, skills and understanding. All classes have regular lessons per week in our specialist IT Suite or using iPads to develop their computing knowledge and skills. Using our resources, children can develop their creative computing skills to help them make their own movies, animations, create comics, compose music and more! 

In line with the National Curriculum and with support of 'NCCE Teach Computing’, we have created our own scheme of work for computing. Children will learn knowledge and skills across a range of topics including coding and programming their own games and apps. There is also opportunity for them to develop and refine other computer life skills such as typing, word processing, data handling, creating and editing pictures etc. Central to all of the work covered is how to use the Internet in an effective way including how to keep safe online, protect our information and about cyber-bullying. 


Grenoside Computing Curriculum & Lego Wedo.20
Statement of intent for computing at Grenoside Community Primary School

The computing curriculum at Grenoside Primary School aims to ensure that all pupils:

Enjoy and are inspired, in their use of computing technology, igniting an interest in computational science and STEM subjects 

Can use computing technology appropriately, safely and independently whilst justifying how and why they are using computing technology for their learning.

Can use technology for a range of purposes across a range of subjects, developing skills and knowledge over time

Are sufficiently challenged in their use of computing technology, allied with a rigorous reasoning approach whereby age appropriate technical vocabulary is used correctly.

Can present their learning in a variety of contexts using a variety of technology, so as to be assessed against the outcomes of the National Curriculum.


Teachers have appropriate subject knowledge to ensure a good computing curriculum is being taught throughout school. When a member of the teaching staff has more proficient knowledge and/or skill in computing, that staff member is used to teach all the children in the year group as part of a carousel approach.

Teaching staff plan lessons for programming using Lego Wedo 2.0, for Online Safety using the PSHCE Curriculum document and long term plan and use the ‘NCCE Teach Computing’ Scheme of work to ensure relevant computing skills are taught, developed and built upon as part of an immersive approach to learning throughout the school.

Teaching staff plan computing lessons where children are clear on the skills and vocabulary they need to understand in order to build upon previous learning and progress at the age related expectation.

Online safety is taught explicitly through the PSHCE curriculum. However, when children are accessing the internet or using devices that are connected to the school network, teachers will reinforce expectations for working safely online and remind children ways in which they use the device safely and to report to a trusted adult any concerns or ill feeling they have when viewing material on or offline.

Teaching staff present subject matter clearly, promoting appropriate discussion about the subject matter being taught. They check learners understanding systematically, identify misconceptions accurately and provide clear direct feedback.

Teaching is designed to embed learning for the long term, allowing children to recall and build upon previous learning and apply this to new, larger or abstract concepts.

The computing subject leader will work alongside Learn Sheffield and Locality school partners to deliver CPD and PDMs to enhance staff computing skills and understanding of NC skills, content, coverage and progression.

The computing subject leader will attend training sessions to look at how best to use the equipment/programmes/apps we have in school to their full potential, and disseminate this information to staff at regular intervals.

Subject and Curriculum leaders will review and discuss the computing curriculum throughout the curriculum cycles to further develop the skills, knowledge and progression as required


Children at Grenoside develop a range of detailed skills which they build year upon year, ensuring long term retention. They reach measuring points (end of KS1 and KS2) equipped and ready for the next stage of their education. After the implementation of this robust computing curriculum, children at Grenoside will be digitally literate and be equipped, not only with the skills and knowledge to use technology effectively and for their own benefit, but most importantly – safely. Children at Grenoside understand the consequences of using the internet and they are also aware of how to keep themselves safe online. The importance of online safety is reiterated as part of any remote learning, with teaching staff reinforcing safe online behaviours whilst interacting via Google Classroom. As our children become more confident in their abilities in Computing, they will become more independent and key life skills such as problem-solving, logical thinking, resilience and reflecting upon their learning, will become second nature.

The Sheffield City Council online safety curriculum can be found at http://sheffieldclc.net/onlinesafetycurriculum/



The Safer Internet website is a fantastic place to visit to find free information and resources. These include activities and games to try at home with your children, a range of videos and other ways which you can get involved.



A selection of articles covering subjects such as Instagram privacy settings, deciding if a game is appropriate for your child and parents online safety questions.



The health impacts of screen time for parents and carers.



Screen time and healthy balance



Information about "Blue light"